Sunday, October 29, 2006


Friday, October 20, 2006


There is a family of 5 (Parent plus 3 children) staying in my neighbourhood. I always enjoy talking to those little ones whom they'd called me Uncle McDonald as I always bring them the Free toys that came together whenever I had a McDonald Happy Meals.

I met the youngest of the boys named WAN at the lift lobby last Monday night, I turned to this little boy and said: “Selamat Hari Raya.”
That little boy smiled at me and said: “Happy Deepavali to you, too.”
It was so sweet and polite of him to return my wishes. But there was just one little “problem” and I do not think any part of me looks like one that celebrate Deepavali at all.
However, instead of correcting him, I decided to just let it be. In fact, I wished that he, and all our children, would remain colour blind on ethnicity.
It was like a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the recent controversies pertaining to the Malays not given enough opportunities in Penang, the Chinese being marginalised in Malaysia and the argument on bumiputra equity in the country.
I look forward to the day when we can all fight for the interest of our nation instead of the interest of our own community, work harder on increasing the size of our economic cake instead of fighting for a bigger share of the same old cake.
I look forward to the day when the first chapter of our Year One text book tells our children that we are all Malaysians instead of over-emphasising Orang Melayu, Cina, India dan lain lain.

Am I being too idealistic and naïve living in a land of UTOPIA?
I'm a firm believer of those who love this country do share my wish and vision.
If you do, let's begin with our children (Though I may not have one). BE sure they remain colour blind to our ethnic origins. Meanwhile, I wish all Malaysians “Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Deepavali”


I went to this old temple in Chinatown with my mum.
I took this picture at the back portion of that temple which had an air-well. I was surprised when I first looked at this picture. It has a really interesting setting, almost like the all mighty ONE that above us is answering our prayer. Hope you'll enjoy!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Penang Mon Amour 檳島之戀

GEORGETOWN, although the largest city in the north of Malaysia, maintains its charms the are far from the buzzing madness of a metropolitan. It offers a laid-back tapestry of shoreline beaches, also a veritable feast of British colonial past and cultural vestiges.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The MOON represent my HEART 中秋随感

有言道: "千江有水千江月,万里无云万里天"
只要江里有水, 就能映出天上的一轮月影; 只要天上无云, 就会是一片澄明清澈的天空。
这其实是一句佛家谒语, 可作如此解释道:
如果以月为佛性, 则众生为千江; 如果以云为贪欲, 则天空为佛心。有江就有月, 有人就有佛性, 佛性自在人心, 所谓“心中有佛, 见人即佛”; 如以天为佛心, 则云为物欲, 是带来烦恼的尘埃, 万里无云, 便是万里晴天, 物欲烦恼尽去, 佛心就自然显现。

人生若能如此过, 夫复何求?