Tuesday, February 20, 2007


听小女孩的母亲说, 她开始接受画画训练。就是遵守成年人的规范去画。蓝天当然是蓝色的, 白云当然是白色的。。。就是不能够按照自己的想象力就对了。今年春节的第二天, 小女孩要我“坐定定”当她作画的模特。起初我迟疑了一下, 后来我还是妥协, 心里嘀咕着, "也好, 就看你把我画成怎么样!"
我按照吩咐,"坐定定"的摆了一个我自以为是比MONA LISA的微笑好看的笑容让她画了几分钟。TaTa。。。画好啦。不看还好, 当小女孩把作品拿到我跟前一看, OH MY GOD, 我在她的眼中怎么会长成这样? 我唯有摇头叹息。想不到我的美丽青春一去不复返了。不过我还是得佩服小女孩的明察秋毫, 就连我额头上的那条"火车路"也给画了出来。可是我总觉得我在那见过这个人似的, 忽然间我如梦初醒般, 他。。。


Friday, February 16, 2007




Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Aku Cinta Pada Mu

Walau kamu berada jauh di mata, tetapi kamu masih dekat di hatiku.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the BEST hour of a day

People always say the BEST hour of a day is early morning and I couldn't agree less with this statement. BUT, I did not wake up early this morning and as a matter of fact, I did not sleep well last night . I get up rather than trying hard to get some sleep, took this pic and went for a walk at a park and return home feeling GOOD.

I've always been touched by pictures of dawn taken in foreign land, not until this morning when I looked out from my flat's balcony, I'm touched by the view I've seen. And it has always been there since the day I'd stayed in.
Well, it's just like I always thought the grass is always greener on the other side, not until now that I realised that the greenest has always been there in our very own backyard.