Saturday, March 28, 2009

D I A L O G U E 叶逢仪 & 叶建一

'DIALOGUE' allows two parties to understand each other and it does not necessarily involve words. The dialogue is between two species — the sparrow and cat — two animals that have remained as the artists’ favourite subject throughout the years and the language used is one full of feeling and fascination.
1979年,我在循人中学上初中一那一年,叶逢仪是我的美术老师。那个时候他给我的印象是上起课来很严肃,装扮很日本,好IN。毕业于日本著名的早稻田大学 ,可是。。。。。。 当他拿起你的画作下评语时,一点儿也不会客气。当年他拿起我的自画像当着全班的同学说“这张画的不是人。”当时只得13岁的我,心顿时裂开了两边。后来与一坤成中学毕业的朋友聊起这段往事。她没好气的说“你以为只有你咩!他当初批评我画的竹子像沙爹支呢。”哈,看来对这个美术老师留下不可磨灭的印象还不只我一个呢!

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