Sunday, December 23, 2007

冬至 "The Arrival of WINTER"

Dong Zhi is the thanksgiving festival of the Chinese calendar. Literally meaning "the arrival of winter", Dong Zhi the last festival of the year. Coinciding with the winter solstice, it is an occasion for the family to get together to celebrate the good year they have had. To symbolize the unity and eaten at this festival. Because the early Chinese farmers divided the year into 24"joimts" of two weeks each Dong Zhi occurs six weeks before the Chinese New Year. It normally falls between December 21 and 23.

The winter solstice signals the beginning of winter. The sun is at the Tropic of Capricorn and this result in the longest night of the year for those living in the northern hemisphere. Dong Zhi began as a farmer's festival to celebrate the year-end harvest. It was the antecedent of Chun Jie Because until Emperor Han Wu Di decided to fix the Lunar New Year at the beginning of each year, some of the earlier emperors celebrated the New Year at Dong Zhi. Until today, some Chinese insist that everyone becomes a year older after Dong Zhi.

Dong Zhi is time for family reunions. An indispensable item on the menu is tang yuan, which is a sweet soup of glutinous rice flour balls. Yuan (literally meaning "round") is associated with tang yuan (family reunion and yuan man complete). Eating tang yuan at Ding Zhi is symbolic of family unity and family prosperity.

It has become a practice for hawkers in markets to sell the glutinous rice flour at Dong Zhi; the flour is then rolled into small balls at home. For good luck, families prefer to have some pink tang yuan to mix with their white ones

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